The Feast of Saint Sebastian

January 20 2024 Feast of Saint Sebastian Mission Hills Los Angeles


Mark 1:14-20

14 After John was arrested by Herod, who ruled the Jewish lands on behalf of Roman interests, Jesus went back into the region of Galilee and began to proclaim the good news of God.

Jesus: 15 It’s time! The kingdom of God is near! Seek forgiveness, change your actions, and believe this good news!

16 As Jesus walked along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, He met the first of His disciples, two brothers, Simon and Andrew, both fishermen who were casting their fishing net into the shallow waters.

Jesus: 17 Come and follow Me, and I’ll send you to catch people instead of fish.

18 Simon and Andrew left their nets and followed Jesus at once.

19 When He had walked a little farther, He saw the sons of Zebedee, James and John, in their boat repairing their nets. 20 Right away He called to them, and they dropped what they were doing and left their father Zebedee and the hired men aboard the boat to follow Him as His disciples.



What song is good enough to interrupt your dishwashing?

What stands out to you in the lectionary text? How might it connect with The Season of Epiphany or The Feast of Saint Sebastian?

With so much of today’s text’s language co-opted by evangelical meanings words like “good news,” “follow,” “disciples,” and “repent,”  What might it mean to reimagine this story in a new way?

Countless artists throughout history have been drawn to, inspired by, and continue to reimagine Saint Sebastian. How do the life and artistic expressions of Saint Sebastian inspire you?


“Spirituality is the science of compassion— to feel with the other, leaving yourself behind. This is the essence of the spiritual life— leaving your false self behind and trying to discover your authentic self without being too worried about that.”

- Karen Armstrong, scholar of comparative religions


Lent 2024


Seeing With The Eyes Of The Heart